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Kinesiology is an alternative therapy, balancing both the body and the mind. It links the tradition of Chinese acuncture points / meridians and energy balancing along with muscle testing, anatomy and physiology.


  • Find out more below on what it can help.

What is Kinesiology?    


Kinesiology (pronounced Kin-Easy-Ology) is an alternative therapy, balancing both the body and the mind. It links the tradition of Chinese acuncture points/meridians and energy balancing along with muscle testing, anatomy and physiology.


Dr. George Goodheart D.C.and fellow chiropractors in the U.S.A developed it in the 1960s. In 1970 Dr John Thie extracted some applied kinesiology techniques as Touch for Health and made them available to the non-professional public. Applied kinesiology means that we apply the information that the muscles can tell us about the mind and the body to facilitate the healing process. This is really a method of tapping into one of the bodys biofeedback mechanisms.

We are all familiar with orthodox western style medicine which tends to treat the symptoms of disease.


This approach is to find and treat the root of the problem by bringing the body back into balance. An example of this is : someone who gets headaches frequently may  self  medicate headache tablets  for relief, indeed, this method usually will treat the symptoms in that the headache may go away, however  the headache would be caused by any number of  conditions, such as by bad diet or result from constipation etc. This means that the underlying problem is not treated and could worsen over time leading to more and more serious symptoms. This is an example of how treating the symptom may not always be the answer. Kinesiology techniques can be used to help establish and treat the root cause of the problem.


Muscle testing is used to detect imbalaces in the body which may not even be obvious to the conscious mind. These imbalances can present themselves in the conscious mind through sickness, pain, stress, learning difficulties, injuries etc. Muscle testing accesses an individuals unique and individual physiology, therefor eliminating any guesswork.


Kinesiology balances the body by eliminating toxins, releasing energy blockages, reducing tension and stress, enhancing the individuals body to heal naturally. The practitioner will use a wide variety of techniques to bring about the natural ability to heal; such as personalised diet and nutrition, vitamin/mineral supplementation, flower remedies, emotional stress release, neuro-lymphatic drainage,  stimulating acupressure points, neurovascular reflexes and various other techniques as they are approved in practice.

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